Today is a big day between the two states next to each other, Kansas & Missouri. It's a very interesting rivalry that has been around for years! It's interesting that Brother Fish is a Missouri fan and myself a Kansas fan. The rivalry between us makes our class even a little bit more interesting GO KU! Of course my prediction is that KU will win the game by 10+! Unfortunatley, I know that Brother Fish has a different and wrong prediction. Hopefully, at some time Brother Fish will see the light! I don't see that happening anytime soon...
After a quick stop by ESPN.com, I noticed an interesting stat! The Jayhawks hold a 162-93 lead in the all-time rivalry, including a 61-55 mark at Missouri. How about them odds, Fish?
The Missouri Tiggers must have played about as well as the OCC Ambassadors yesterday afternoon. In fact, I thought the Ambassador offense looked a lot like the Mizzou offense during the Quin Snyder years--have a guard waste the shot clock by dribbling above the top of the key while the entire rest of the team stays stationary with no apparent idea about running an offense, whereupon the guard throws up a prayer (figurative language for an extremely low percentage 3 point shot), which allows the other team to rebound, take it down the floor and score easily. It wasn't the best showing for an OCC Seniors Night!
It really isn't fair that we have to comment on all these blogs when I am the only girl in this seminar. Perhaps I will post one on laundry basics or stress-eating! haha I'd like to hear your guys' opinion on stress-eating! Anyway... college basketball... it's great!
I saw on the view the other day (Amy was watching it, I just happened to be in the room) that women eat when they are upset, but men eat when they are happy. Just thought it was interesting, since you mentioned stress eating and all.
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